The Activation Potential of Parents in the Process of Professional Orientation - Possibilities and Limitations

The possibilities and limits of parental involvement in the process of professional orientation and career choice are the subject of educational science and social education research for some time. However, there is lack of a synthesis which brings together the latest research results and experiences of the practitioners, which assesses the potential of parents’ involvement in professional orientation and career choice, and which offer guidance for political decision makers.

Currently there are no systematic overview of existing projects to involve parents in the process of professional orientation and career choice and their success. It is also not well known, which offers will be accepted by the juveniles, by the parents and by other stakeholders. It is therefore difficult to recommend specific procedures or develop existing approaches. The aim of the study is to gain an understanding of the potential of parents’ involvement in various stages of professional orientation and in the transition from school to work. Based on a comprehensive empirical survey there will be recommendations for elaborated and specific projects which will be developed in preparation for a possible subsequent exemplary implementation at the federal state level.

In cooperation with:

SOKO Institut, Bielefeld

Commissioned by:

Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)

Project team:

Contact Person:
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann ( +49 7071 9896 20 // E-Mail )


2016 - 2017