Social conditioning in industrial policy

In recent years, industrial policies in the European Union and the USA have been linked to the fulfilment of social criteria or standards by recipient companies (for example with regard to employment guarantees, working conditions, wages, training or co-determination rights). The expertise is intended to provide an overview and scientific evaluation of the general approach and the effects of social conditioning in industrial policy in Germany and other industrial countries (EU and US). A particular focus is on the quality and implementation of social conditioning in the German Climate Protection Agreements (KSV) funding guideline and the Federal Funding Guideline for Industry and Climate Protection (BIK).

The expertise is part of the framework agreement ‘Scientific expert reports on fundamental issues of the welfare state, the world of work and the transformation of the social market economy’, which the BMAS has concluded with the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and in which many other research institutions are involved.

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Contact Person:
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann ( +49 7071 9896 20 // E-Mail )

