Study on immigration and emigration

The study will provide descriptive statistics on immigration and emigration of EU citizens to and from Germany over the last 20 years, as well as an analysis of the drivers and obstacles of migration.

A first deliverable will be an analysis of the legal framework for intra-EU migration and an overview of the current state of research in the social sciences. In a second work package, statistical data sources, in particular the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and the German Microcensus, will be used to provide a detailed picture of the composition of EU migrants, the duration of their stay in Germany and their integration into the German society and the labour market.

In addition to the quantitative analyses, in a third step qualitative interviews will be conducted with counselling and support institutions as well as civil society organisations. The focus will be on the reasons and motivations for staying to Germany or returning to the home country. A social media survey among EU migrants will also be used to gain further insights into experiences and motivations.

Finally, the study will summarise the results in a report and provide recommendations for action.