Calculation of the regional ESF funding quotas for the urban and rural districts in the 2014-2020 ESF funding period
The IAW is recalculating the distribution key for the European Social Fund (ESF) funding quotas of the regional ESF working groups in Baden-Württemberg for the 2014-2020 funding period on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
As in 2007, when the IAW prepared the last calculation, the aim of the current calculations is to distribute the ESF funds for the new funding period to the urban and rural districts in such a way that economically weaker districts receive above-average funding in relative terms in order to support an equalization of the economic situation and living conditions in the districts. Criteria that reflect the economic situation and, in particular, the situation on the regional labor market are therefore of central importance. The recalculation should therefore be based on the set of indicators from the previous studies In order to take the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy adequately into account, the set of indicators will be supplemented where necessary.
Commissioned by:
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family, Women and Senior Citizens Baden-Württember
Project team:
- Dipl.-Volkswirtin Andrea Kirchmann (Projektleitung)
- Dr. Raimund Krumm
- Dipl.-Volkswirt Jochen Späth
Contact Person:
Andrea Kirchmann ( +49 7071 9896 33 // E-Mail )
2014 - 2014