Christin Schafstädt

Short CV

Christin Schafstädt studied pedagogy with a focus on social pedagogy at the University of Tübingen (German: Eberhard-Karls-Universität), and graduated in 2013. She joined the IAW as a research associate in August 2013.

Her current research activities focus on projects in the fields of labour market and vocational training issues and their scientific evaluation by qualitative methods.

Christin Schafstädt is doing her PhD in educational science at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen on the topic school to work transition. She combines classical theories of career choices with the Capability Approach according to Amartya Sen and investigates the ability of jung adults to shape their individual educational and employment biography. For this purpose, problem-centred interviews were conducted with school-leavers with A-levels, which are evaluated using the documentary method.

Phone: +49 7071 9896 31

Fax: +49 7071 9896 99

Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects
