Tobias König

Short CV

Master of Arts, worked as a research associate at the IAW from June 2017 to May 2024. He has studied geography, economics and Romance studies (B.Sc.) at the University of Bonn and the University College Cork (UCC) as well as economic and social geography (M.A.) at the University of Osnabrueck with a focus on mobility of the Highly Skilled, German-Turkish investment and migration relations, knowledge transfer and effects of innovation mainly using quantitative and qualitative social research methods. Through different employments in the course of his studies, he has already gained practical experiences in the areas of consulting, empirical economic and social research as well as scientific assistance.

His work at the IAW focussed on applied research in the area of corporate dynamics and structural change, with a special emphasis on endogenous factors and exogenous trends within a regional perspective.

Tobias König has been a doctoral candidate at the Philipps University Marburg since November 2020. His dissertation is titled 'Cluster life cycles and evolution of local industrial clusters in Germany ' and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Brenner (Economic geography and location research).

Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects