At the 53rd top-level meeting on the training situation, the members of the Baden-Württemberg Training Alliance in Stuttgart discussed the current challenges on the training market in the state. The IAW short report ‘Company-based training in Baden-Württemberg 2023’ (in German) was published in connection with this.
Even by the end of 2024, Baden-Württemberg's economy will not be able to escape stagnation. This is the conclusion of the latest Nowcast from the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) and the University of Hohenheim. In the fourth quarter of 2024, gross domestic product (GDP) in Baden-Württemberg - adjusted for seasonal and working-day effects - rose slightly by 0.2%. However, this small increase is nowhere near enough to make up for the negative development in the previous quarters.
Even at the end of 2024, Baden-Württemberg's economy will not be able to break out of stagnation. This is the conclusion of the latest Nowcast from the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) and the University of Hohenheim. In the fourth quarter of 2024, gross domestic product (GDP) in Baden-Württemberg - adjusted for seasonal and working-day effects - rose slightly by 0.2%. However, this small increase cannot make up for the negative development in the previous quarters far from making up for the negative development in previous quarters.
On behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, a scientific consortium consisting of the Centre for European Economic Research Mannheim (ZEW), the Institute for Applied Economic Research Tübingen (IAW) and the Institute for SME Research Mannheim (ifm) has developed a master plan for SMEs in Baden-Württemberg in order to strengthen SMEs as the heart and backbone of Baden-Württemberg's economy. The report analyses the strengths and weaknesses of SMEs and recommends a comprehensive three-stage action programme based on 1. urgency, 2. broad impact and 3. transformation management.
Actors and constellations for a successful reduction in bureaucracy. An analysis based on the proposals for reducing bureaucracy made by the Regulatory Control Council of Baden-Württemberg
dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 17(1-2024), online first, 1-23.