Many countries suffer from skilled labor shortages in nursing. One way to increase the nurse labor supply is to raise their retention rates. Yet, though several studies exist on factors associated with the nurse labor supply at different levels, literature on factors associated with nurses’ decisions to leave their occupation is relatively scarce. Based on German administrative data, I analyze the determinants of nurses’ decisions to leave their profession. My results suggest that younger nurses, nurses in the social sector, and nurses working with smaller employers leave their occupation more often than their counterparts, irrespective of their specific nursing occupations and care settings (inpatient or outpatient care).
Why did income inequality in Germany not increase further after 2005?
German Economic Review, 2019, Vol. 20, pp. 471-504.
„Cash und Care“ – Entwicklungspfade der Sozialhilfe zwischen materieller Grundsicherung und personenbezogenen sozialen Diensten.
Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit: Existenzminimum oder Teilhabe? Weiterentwicklung des Sozialhilfesystems. 4/2018, S. 4-19.
Understanding Rising Income Inequality in Germany, 1999/2000–2005/2006
Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 58, pp. 62-647.