October 23, 2014: Workshop "Economic and social effects of the 2004 amendment to the German Crafts Code (Handwerksordnung – HwO)", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin
Ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Wirkungen der Handwerksnovelle.
Dr. Andreas Koch [IAW] together with Dr. Sebastian Nielen [IAW]
October 14, 2014: Allianz für Fachkräfte Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Beschäftigungsentwicklung von Frauen und Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Chancengleichheit in baden-württembergischen Unternehmen - Ergebnisse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels
Günther Klee [IAW]
September 18-20, 2014: European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) in Ljubljana
Coaching, Counseling, Case-Working: Do They Help Older Unemployed Out Of Benefits and Back Into the Labor Market?
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann together with Dr. Tobias Brändle [IAW]
September 16, 2014: Verbandstag des Verbands der Südwestdeutschen Wohnungswirtschaft (VdW) in Speyer
Einkommensentwicklung: Statement zu einer aktuellen ökonomischen Debatte.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]
September 11-13, 2014: Annual Congress of the European Trade Study Group (ETSG) in Munich
Firm Exports, Foreign Ownership, and the Global Financial Crisis
Peter S. Eppinger [IAW]
September 7-10, 2014: "Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik" - Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik in Hamburg
Decomposing a Matching Estimation - Correlated Unobserved non-random Selection, Substitution, and Causal Effects in a Large Scale ALMP Program in Germany
Tobias Brändle [IAW]
September 4, 2014: Jahrestagung des European Social Policy Network (ESPANET), Oslo
Extending Active Labour Market Policies in Europe – is it Social, is it Investment or is it Social Investment?
Lukas Fervers [IAW]
August 25-29, 2014: European Economic Association (EEA) in Toulouse
Coaching, Counseling, Case-Working: Do They Help Older Unemployed Out Of Benefits and Back Into the Labor Market?
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann together with Dr. Tobias Brändle [IAW]