October 13, 2023: BMAS Workshop "Labour market potentials among the long-term unemployed" as part of the dialogue process "Mission Skilled Worker" - online
Estimation of cost-benefit ratios for different labour market policy measures for Long-term unemployed (in German).
In the economic causal analyses of a recent IAW study commissioned by the BMFSFJ, no statistically significant effects of the instruments of the EntgTranspG on equal pay between women and men can be demonstrated. The further analyses show that the applicable legal regulations are still not sufficiently known, that their implementation remains unclear in some cases, and that they are often ignored or circumvented in whole or in part. This is also due to the fact that at least two of the three central instruments of the law, namely the voluntary company auditing procedures and the reporting obligations for companies subject to management reporting, are not or not sufficiently sanctioned.
Counselling and job placement: administrative action in job centres (in German).
In: dms - der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management (forthcoming).
Ariane Baderschneider, Bernhard Boockmann, Marco Caliendo, Kristin Hecker, Annabelle Krause-Pilatus, Philipp Kugler, Robert Mahlstedt, Iris Pfeiffer