March 19, 2025: Final symposium ‘Good work organisation in outpatient care’, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Berlin.
More attractive and less stressful? Possible effects of alternative forms of organisation in outpatient care (in German).
Dr. Jochen Späth [IAW]
February 6, 2025: DIFIS Workshop: "Life course consequences of the professional provision of care work", Bremen.
Remuneration in the care sector: a look at employment histories and the connection with the shortage of skilled workers (in German).
Martin Kroczek [IAW]
December 5, 2024: Networking meeting of the research program on nursing education and the nursing profession of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Transitions from nursing assistant to specialist training from a theoretical and empirical perspective (in German).
Marcel Reiner [IAW] together with Dr. Jochen Späth [IAW] and Jan Braun [Esslingen University]
September 16, 2024: Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2024, Berlin.
The reaction of wages to skill shortage in nursing.
Martin Kroczek [IAW]
June 19, 2024: International Pension Workshop in Leiden (NL)
Pension reform effects in light of the changing task composition.
Dr. Natalie Herdegen [IAW] together with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW] and Martin Kroczek [IAW]
Martin Kroczek,
Philipp Kugler
Heterogeneous effects of monetary and non-monetary job characteristics on job attractiveness in nursing.
Labour Economics, Volume 91, December 2024, 102632,
Marcel Reiner, Kathrin Mittelstät, Eva Hocher, Celine Keppner,
Jochen Späth,
Andreas Koch,
Tobias Scheu
Transitions from assistant to specialist training - success factors, challenges, room for manoeuvre (in German).
In: Karin Reiber et al. (Hrsg.): Fachkräftesicherung, Versorgungsqualität und Karrieren in der Pflege. Forschung zur beruflichen Bildung im Lebenslauf, wbv-Verlag, S. 427-444, 2024.
Ronald Bachmann,
Bernhard Boockmann, Christina Vonnahme,
Jan Simon Wiemann
International data innovations: Potentials for German labor market and social policy (in German).
In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 73 (1), 1-23, 2024.
Jutta Mohr, Sabine Dorn,
Jochen Späth
Mehr Transparenz im Karrieredschungel.
In: Die Schwester, der Pfleger 9/2023, S. 66-69.