Social policy and nursing


June 19. 2024: Advisory Board "Senior Living and Care" of the University City of Tübingen

How is the current labor market situation affecting the provision of long-term care (in German)?

Dr. Andreas Koch [IAW]

June 6, 2024: FDZ-RV Annual Meeting 2024 in Berlin

Pension Reform Effects in Times of Technological Change and Shifting Task Composition.

Martin Kroczek [IAW] together with Dr. Natalie Herdegen [IAW] and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]

June 4, 2024: 65th Scientific Seminar of the BAuA Division 3 “Work and Health” - online

Work attractiveness and workload in outpatient care: The influence of conventional work characteristics and alternative forms of organization. Results of a vignette study (in German).  

Martin Kroczek [IAW] together with Dr. Jochen Späth [IAW] and Prof. Dr Karin Reiber [Universitiy of Esslingen]


Bernhard Boockmann, Natalie Herdegen, Martin Kroczek

Pension reform effects in times of technological change and shifting task composition.
In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming).

Marcel Reiner, Celine Keppner, Kathrin Mittelstät, Eva Hocher, Jochen Späth

Transitions into higher education and its utilization in practice - success factors, challenges, scope for action (in German).
In: Pflege & Gesellschaft (ISSN 1430-9653), issue 1, year 2025, page 37 - 50.

Christin Schafstädt, Tobias Scheu, Andrea Kirchmann

Shaping individual educational and career paths in nursing – perspectives in practice (in German).
In: Pflege - Die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe, S. 1-6.

Andrea Kirchmann, Christin Schafstädt BMAS-Forschungsbericht 645, ISSN 0174-4992, November 2024

Jutta Mohr, Sabine Dorn, Nicola Hofmann, Karin Reiber

Further training based on the PflAPrV (in German)
Concept and exemplary module units - Version 1.0 October 2024, published by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn,