Labor market policy


Press release June 27, 2018

Companies use many levers to absorb cost increases resulting from the minimum wage (in German).

A general statutory minimum wage was introduced in Germany at the beginning of 2015. On behalf of the Minimum Wage Commission, the IAW has now conducted a comprehensive qualitative study in industries that were heavily affected by the minimum wage to investigate the reactions of companies and employees to the minimum wage. The study showed that companies use a wide range of adaptation strategies to respond to the changes resulting from the introduction of the minimum wage.


Bernhard Boockmann, Tobias Scheu

Integration der Geflüchteten in den Arbeitsmarkt: Ziele, Strategien und Hemmnisse aus Sicht der Jobcenter.
Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 65(4) 2019.

Jochen Späth, Tobias Brändle, Stefan Preuss, Marcel Reiner IAW Discussion Papers No. 131, September 2018